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Ethical Living: Achieving Worldly and Religious Success
Textbook and Addition Resources
Notes and Slides
Student Support
1 - Before we begin (58:47)
2 - Five core lessons (63:11)
3 - The Life and Times of al-Mawardi (46:22)
The Intellectual Believer
4 - What does it mean to be human? (61:25)
5 - The Intellect: God's Gift to Humans (55:26)
6 - The Suprarational and the limits of human reasoning (60:33)
7 - Brainrot and other things that harm the mind (61:16)
8 - What is a man? According to Umar (RA) (59:11)
9 - Is there such a thing as too much intellect? (42:39)
10 - Idiots, Stupidity and the opposite of intellect (63:27)
11 - The Dark Side of humans - the Nafs (56:27)
External Resources
Summary of first four chapters
Book Review - Adab al-Dunya Wa al-Din
Al-Mawardi's Principles of Success
6 - The Suprarational and the limits of human reasoning
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