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Islam Intensive
Welcome (2:33)
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Ethical Living: Balancing Worldly and Religious Success - 2025
Textbook and Addition Resources
Notes & Slides
1- Before we begin (58:47)
2 - Five core lessons (63:11)
3 - The Life and Times of al-Mawardi (46:22)
4 - What does it mean to be human? (61:25)
5 - The Intellect: God's Gift to Humans (55:26)
6 - The Suprarational and the limits of human reasoning (60:33)
7 - Brainrot and other things that harm the mind (61:16)
8 - What is a man? According to Umar (RA) (59:11)
9 - Is there such a thing as too much intellect? (42:39)
External Resource: Book Review
External Resource: Al-Mawardi's Principles of Success
External Resource: Excelling at Deen and Dunya
Introduction to Shariah (Islamic Law) - 2024
Recommended Books and Resources
Class Notes
1 - Introduction & Definitions (61:50)
1.1. Keep Fiqh Simple
1.2. Fiqh is Speculative
1.3. Dealing With Differences of Opinion
2 - Roles of Jurists in interpreting Shariah (50:40)
3 -Methodology of Interpretation (67:35)
4 - Madhabs & Diversity in Fiqh (51:03)
5 - The Primary Goal of Shariah (54:20)
6 - The Concept of Maslaha (65:07)
7 - The Concept of Mafsada (50:04)
8 - Sanctity of Life & Faith (59:24)
9 - Protecting Lineage & Honor (60:47)
10 - Protecting Intellect & Wealth (52:40)
11 - Maxims of Islamic Law (62:49)
12 - Secondary Maxims of Islamic Law (55:03)
13 - The Role and Responsibilities of the Qadhi (57:39)
14 - Qadhi Case Study: Abusuud Effendi (60:54)
15 - The Duties & History of the Caliphate (65:22)
16 - Types of Caliphates in history (62:49)
17 - Caliphate Case Studies: Umar I, Umar II, Suleiman (62:25)
18 - Rights of Women under Shariah (64:40)
19 - Understanding Islamic Criminal Law (Hudud) (60:24)
20 - Slavery under Shariah (62:02)
21 - Life of Non-Muslims under Shariah (48:58)
22- Jihad, Conquest and Colonialism (47:51)
23 - Islamic Economics & Awqaf (51:12)
24 - Culture and Canon Law under Shariah (55:09)
25 - Education under Shariah (62:13)
26 - Colonization and its impact on the Muslim World (74:32)
27 - The Impossible State (51:42)
28 - Modern Revivalist Efforts (52:01)
29 - Our Current Situation (39:44)
30 - Summary & Conclusion (45:48)
Introduction to Shariah - External Links
Ismail Kamdar - What is a Fatwa
Ismail Kamdar - What is the Caliphate
Dr Wael Hallaq - What is Shariah? Part 1 - The Ethics
Dr Wael Hallaq - What is Shariah? Part 2 - The Human
Dr Wael Hallaq - What is Shariah? Part 3 - The Law
Dr Sohail Hanif - Metaphysics of Islamic Law
Sh Abdal Hakim Murad - Biography of Abusuud Effendi
Dr Ovamir Anjum - What is the Caliphate
Dr Jamel Akbar - Distribution of Rights as Shariah Economic Model
Dr Jamel Akbar - Distribution of Rights as Shariah Economic Model Part 2
Dr Wael Hallaq - Discussion on his books (Arabic with subtitles)
Imam Tom discusses Dr Wael Hallaq's Books
History of Islam - 2021
Recommended Books
Introduction (44:49)
Seerah Summarized - Part 1 (52:51)
Seerah Summarized - Part 2 (53:58)
Seerah Summarized - Part 3 (46:37)
Rashidite Caliphate - Part 1 (55:06)
Rashidite Caliphate - Part 2 (49:40)
The Early Umayyads (Muawiyah-Marwan) (67:36)
The Umayyad Empire (Abdul Malik-Suleiman) (50:14)
The Umayyad Empire (Umar II-Marwan II) (46:29)
The Abbasid Empire - Part 1 (55:02)
The Abbasid Empire - Part 2 (51:46)
Al-Andalus (61:31)
Al-Andalus - Part 2 (49:45)
The Golden Age - Part 1 (36:05)
The Golden Age - Part 2 (47:02)
The Crusades & Salahudin (52:47)
The Fatimids & the Later Crusades (53:03)
The Mongols (43:40)
The Fall of Baghdad (24:54)
Seljuks, Safavids and Mughals (49:28)
Ertugrul & Osman (29:50)
Rise of the Ottomans (50:03)
The Early Ottomans (40:16)
The Ottoman Golden Age (56:54)
Ottoman Decline (37:56)
Ottoman Decline & Modernization (38:13)
Ottoman Modernization & Fall (36:23)
The Fall of the Ottoman Empire (61:24)
The Modern Era - Part 1 (42:19)
The Modern Era - Part 2 (46:47)
Principles of Dawah (2023)
Free eBook
Good Character
Good Company
Advice & Accountability
The Miraculous Nature of the Quran (2021)
Examples of Ijaz al-Quran - Part 1
Examples of Ijaz al-Quran - Part 2
Dealing with allegations against the Quran
Introduction to Islamic Sciences
History and Development of the Islamic Sciences Part 1 (58:21)
History and Development of the Islamic Sciences Part 2 (43:55)
The Islamic Sciences Part 1 (48:21)
The Islamic Sciences Part 2 (50:06)
The Islamic Sciences Notes
Islamic Sciences Quiz
Usul al-Fiqh
Terminology and Definitions
History of the Madh'habs
Quran and Sunnah
Ijma and Qiyas
Urf (Local Culture)
Usul al-Fiqh Notes
Usul Fiqh Quiz
Maqasid al-Shariah
Definitions and Terminology
Harms and Benefits
Preservation of Religion and Life
Preservation of Intellect and Wealth
Preservation of Family
Maqasid Notes
Maqasid Quiz
Fiqh Maxims
Maxim 1: Intentions
Maxim 2: Conviction is not overriden by doubt
Maxims 3 & 4: Removal of Harm and Establishment of Local Culture
Maxim 5: Difficulty causes relaxation of the law
ARTICLE: The Fifth Maxim and COVID-19
Animated Summary
Secondary Maxims of Fiqh (36:36)
Maxim Notes
Secondary Maxims Notes
Maxims Quiz
Ramadan Preparation Series
Maximizing Benefits from Ramadan
Making Ramadan Special for Children
Staying Productive During Ramadan
ARTICLE: Time Management Tips for Ramadan
Ramadan Fiqhi Tafsir - 13 April 2020 (51:04)
Ramadan Fiqhi Tafsir Notes
Revision Sessions
Revision Session 1: Usul al-Fiqh, Maqasid al-Shariah and Qawaid al-Fiqhiyyah
Revision Session 1 Notes
Introduction To Classical Islamic Works
Introduction to Sahih al-Bukhari (51:15)
Introduction to Sahih Muslim (43:34)
Introduction to Tafsir at-Tabari (39:46)
Introduction to Tafsir al-Qurtubi (47:14)
Introduction to al-Risalah (58:54)
Theology - Aqeedah at-Tahawiyah
Aqeedah al-Tahawiyyah - Text (PDF)
Aqeedah at-Tahawiyah - Commentary (PDF)
Introduction to Aqidah al-Tahawiyah (43:16)
Tawhid - Allah's Uniqueness (pp. 2-4)
Beliefs about the Messenger (p. 5)
Al-Quran and other beliefs (p. 5-9)
Seeing Allah in Paradise (p. 6)
Beliefs regarding past prophets and books (pp. 11-12)
Definitions of Faith (pp. 13-16)
Sin and Afterlife (pp. 15-17)
Qadar (Destiny) (pp. 9-11, 17-19)
Beliefs regarding the Sahaba (pp. 19-20)
Signs of the Last Day (p. 21)
Awliyah and Miracles (pp. 20-22)
Summary and Additional Points
Hadith Sciences (2023)
Biography of Imam al-Bukhari
An introduction to al-Adab al-Mufrad
al-Adab al-Mufrad: Chapter One
al-Adab al-Mufrad: Chapter Two
al-Adab al-Mufrad: Lesson Three
al-Adab al-Mufrad: Lesson Four
al-Adab al-Mufrad: Lesson Five
Sin and Afterlife (pp. 15-17)
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