""When I say that Ustadh Ismail Kamdar was, all things considered, the best teacher I had...and one of the best teachers I had the blessing of studying under, I am in no way exaggerating, as will be testified by hundreds of other students!"
- Tabassum, Student of Aqeedah and Tafseer
Islam Intensive was a weekly on-going deep-dive into various Islamic Sciences, co-hosted by Islamic Self Help, Baitul Hikmah and Islamic Forum SA. The purpose of this course is to provide continuous Islamic Education that improves the lives of the attendees.
Topics covered in this course:
- History of Islam - 25 Hours
- Introduction to Shariah - 30 Hours
- Introduction to the Islamic Sciences - 4 Hours
- Usul al-Fiqh (Principles of Fiqh) - 9 Hours
- Maqasid al-Shariah (Goals of Islamic Law) - 7 Hours
- Qawa'id al-Fiqhiyyah (Legal Fiqh Maxims) - 5 Hours
- Ramadan Preparation - 5 Hours
- Aqeedah al-Tahawiyah - 12 Hours
- Principles of Dawah - 7 Hours
- Hadith Sciences - 6 Hours
This program includes the following features:
- On demand streaming of all lectures
- PDF notes for most subject
- Test Yourself Section for revision and improving understanding
- Lifetime access any time of the day or night
Join today to begin your deep dive into the world of Islamic Knowledge.
Over 2000+ students benefited from these various courses, join them on this journey of authentic knowledge.
If you wish to join the course but cannot afford the fee, email me at [email protected] and I will assist you as best I can. Our goal is to provide high quality Islamic Education to the ummah at an affordable rate.
Your Instructor
Shaykh Ismail Kamdar is a graduate of a traditional Alim program (Talimuddin, 2006) and also holds a Bachelor's in Islamic Studies (IOU, 2014). He has studied Islam in both traditional and modern settings and has been a student of Islamic Studies for over two decades.
He began studying Islam full-time at the age of thirteen, began preaching at the age of sixteen, and wrote his first book at the age of twenty-three. Over the years, he has taught multiple courses and seminars around the world and has worked with multiple leading Islamic organizations across the globe.
He served as faculty manager at the International Open University for ten years, from 2010 to 2020. He is the founder of Islamic Self Help and Izzah Academy. His books are currently available in three different languages, and sold across five continents, in twenty-five different countries.
"Sheikh Ismail Kamdar is highly professional, dedicated, disciplined and knowledgeable. He is one of the very best tutors..."
- Yasmeen, Student of Aqeedah, Tafseer, and Fiqh
Course Curriculum
StartTextbook and Addition Resources
StartNotes & Slides
Start1- Before we begin (58:47)
Start2 - Five core lessons (63:11)
Start3 - The Life and Times of al-Mawardi (46:22)
Start4 - What does it mean to be human? (61:25)
Start5 - The Intellect: God's Gift to Humans (55:26)
Start6 - The Suprarational and the limits of human reasoning (60:33)
Start7 - Brainrot and other things that harm the mind (61:16)
Start8 - What is a man? According to Umar (RA) (59:11)
Start9 - Is there such a thing as too much intellect? (42:39)
Start10 - Idiots, Stupidity and the opposite of intellect (63:27)
StartExternal Resource: Book Review
StartExternal Resource: Al-Mawardi's Principles of Success
StartExternal Resource: Excelling at Deen and Dunya
StartRecommended Books and Resources
StartClass Notes
Start1 - Introduction & Definitions (61:50)
Start1.1. Keep Fiqh Simple
Start1.2. Fiqh is Speculative
Start1.3. Dealing With Differences of Opinion
Start2 - Roles of Jurists in interpreting Shariah (50:40)
Start3 -Methodology of Interpretation (67:35)
Start4 - Madhabs & Diversity in Fiqh (51:03)
Start5 - The Primary Goal of Shariah (54:20)
Start6 - The Concept of Maslaha (65:07)
Start7 - The Concept of Mafsada (50:04)
Start8 - Sanctity of Life & Faith (59:24)
Start9 - Protecting Lineage & Honor (60:47)
Start10 - Protecting Intellect & Wealth (52:40)
Start11 - Maxims of Islamic Law (62:49)
Start12 - Secondary Maxims of Islamic Law (55:03)
Start13 - The Role and Responsibilities of the Qadhi (57:39)
Start14 - Qadhi Case Study: Abusuud Effendi (60:54)
Start15 - The Duties & History of the Caliphate (65:22)
Start16 - Types of Caliphates in history (62:49)
Start17 - Caliphate Case Studies: Umar I, Umar II, Suleiman (62:25)
Start18 - Rights of Women under Shariah (64:40)
Start19 - Understanding Islamic Criminal Law (Hudud) (60:24)
Start20 - Slavery under Shariah (62:02)
Start21 - Life of Non-Muslims under Shariah (48:58)
Start22- Jihad, Conquest and Colonialism (47:51)
Start23 - Islamic Economics & Awqaf (51:12)
Start24 - Culture and Canon Law under Shariah (55:09)
Start25 - Education under Shariah (62:13)
Start26 - Colonization and its impact on the Muslim World (74:32)
Start27 - The Impossible State (51:42)
Start28 - Modern Revivalist Efforts (52:01)
Start29 - Our Current Situation (39:44)
Start30 - Summary & Conclusion (45:48)